Do You Want To Boost Your Results &
Advance Your Career?
Discover How To Resolve Deep-Seated, Childhood & Lifelong Issues
Even Faster Than Hypnosis
With This Powerful, Innovative, Easy To Apply Technique
Introducing ...
"Andrew Parr Advanced Therapy & Coaching (ATC) ™"

12 Step By Step Lessons That Will ...
For Current Practitioners ...
For Beginners & New Students ...
If you answer yes to any or all of these ...
This Training Is For You!!

"That was bizarre. I was wide awake, aware and fully present the whole time but it felt like I went deeper than when I've had regression in hypnosis.
When you asked that final question, I just felt an overwhelming rush of love, surge through my body.
It was like something opened up within me that I've never felt before. I can't describe it!"
Andrew Selby
Life Coach & Hypnotherapist

It was nice getting a chance to learn this brilliant new approach from you
I absolutely loved it and I may use it instead of everything else.
I thought the class format and delivery were just brilliant and I loved that we got to see demos, the second one especially really drove things home for me.
I think the value of what we learned was incredible and I can really see how powerful this process is and how much easier it could make our lives as practitioners.
It’s an excellent way to access the subconscious mind, easily bypass the critical faculty, and overcome resistance.
The way the process is designed just makes it a no brainer for them to make the connection between their thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and to begin accepting new ideas.
Elena Pintus, Hypnotherapist & Healer
Today Only £1997 £997!

Here's What's Included:
12 Recordings Of Live Interactive Training Sessions With Andrew Parr
12 x Lesson Slides & Notes To Help You Follow Along
On-Demand Access To Library Of Full Client Demo Sessions
World Class Friendly Training & Support
"The better you get at what you do, the more freedom that brings you to lead a life true to yourself instead of what others expect of you."

Here's What You'll Discover In These Sessions
Are You Ready To Start Achieving What You Are Capable Of?

"I feel better than fixed, as whilst you've done that to a big degree and so quickly, more, you've given me the tools to carry on working with.
You have helped me to begin getting the best from every aspect of my life in a practical and positive way and I'm in a completely different place now than I was when I came to you.
A HUGE thank you, from my heart 🙂 "
Maria Parkinson.

Message From Andrew Parr
Whether you're still in the early stages of learning, or a seasoned practitioner, I'd love for you to have access to these priceless live training session recordings where you willI:
- Discover the power and simplicity of the "BIOTAB" principle and why that is so important to your success as a therapist and business.
- Explore how to use it as a stand-alone treatment or integrate with other methods.
- Watch it being applied in the live demo recordings.
- Find out how to get the best from yourself & your clients.
- Use what you learn to accelerate your business.
- Plus Much More.
WARNING : This Will Be Intense At Times!

"Thanks Andrew. You are a master of this vocation. I have achieved way more than in 2 years of psychotherapy."
"Discover The Courage To Live A Life True To Yourself, Instead Of What Others Expect Of You"
© Andrew Parr, All Rights Reserved.