Hello and thanks so much for your interest in working with Andrew Parr
Please take a few moments to complete the following questionnaire, being as honest as possible with yourself, so that we have a good understanding where you are at, and what you would like help with.
Personal Information:
What is your full name?
What’s your best email?
What’s your best phone number, including any international code?
Tell Us More About You:
If you think about the area of life you are seeking help with, can you explain a little about how it is not working as well as you would like, or are seeking more satisfaction?
Can you explain a little about how you would like it to be instead, and any different outcomes that would enable you to have in the next 3-6 months from now?
How soon are you interested in getting started? Please select below...
Why choose to work with Andrew Parr in particular?
The minimum investment for working 1-1 with Andrew is currently $4995 for a transformational package spread over 3 months. Please select that which most applies:
If you are ready and willing to commit to this, please share why Andrew should accept you as a client and work with you?
All of your personal information is safe and secure and will never be shared.

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